Welcome 2017!

Welcome 2017!

We're delighted to be heading into 2017 with some very exciting plans at Cupsmith. Our first 12 months have taken us by happy surprise, and when we spent time taking stock over the Christmas holidays, we realised that our first year had gone far better than we'd ever dreamed it would.

These amazing last 12 months have in turn given us the courage to make bold plans for the next 12, but while the diary is going to be busy, challenging and exciting, we will be sticking to our Cupsmith motto even more than usual, making sure we take plenty of time to sit down and watch the clouds go by. Whatever you have planned for 2017, we hope you too will find plenty of time to cherish the quieter moments, to let life slow down a little and we leave you with this thought:

Nature does not hurry


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