3 reasons to subscribe to the Cupsmith mailing list

We're sure you already get a lot of emails from a lot of brands promising a lot of things you probably don't need.

We don't want to become just another company competing for your attention, so here are 3 good reasons why you should save a little space in your inbox for Cupsmith emails:

1: Our monthly newsletter is filled with wise words and creative inspiration from lovely like-minded people and brands, as well as competitions and the latest news from the Cupsmith kitchen table. Best read sitting down with a cup of coffee or tea. 

2: We share regular discounts and exclusive promotions. Because, let's face it, everyone likes a good bargain and it's nice to get a bit of money off your favourite items. 

3: When we launch a new product, our subscribers are the first to hear about it. And we've got some pretty delicious drinks in the pipeline... 

We hope you'll join us!